Assistance Dog Trainers train dogs to assist people with hearing or sight difficulties, physical disabilities, and those prone to seizures, to lead independent lives. If you want a rewarding career with dogs and people this would be a good career opportunity and The Level 3 Diploma in Assistance Dog Training is the recommended Ofqual regulated qualification to become a qualified Assistance Dog Trainer.

There are six types of assistance dogs:

  • Diabetes Hypo-alert Dogs are trained to identify and alert when their owner’s blood sugar drops to a level that results in a hypoglycaemic episode
  • Cancer Detection Dogs are trained to identify cancer and disease
  • Guide Dogs for the Blind and visually impaired
  • Hearing Dogs alert severely and profoundly deaf people to routine sounds
  • Disability dogs carry out tasks such as pushing the emergency button on a telephone and opening and closing doors
  • Seizure alert dogs recognise seizure signs in their owner and thereby prevent a seizure from occurring