Practical Animal Courses

Practical Animal Courses

We are the largest organisation in the UK offering practical animal courses that have theory as  part of  the course. This is an ideal way of gaining valuable hands-on experience with a variety of animals. Most of our practical placements include an accredited Level 3 course or qualification

The practical animal courses that we offer are designed to provide accredited training for a variety of careers working with animals. We have many students who have gone on to rewarding and successful careers working  with animals.

Established in 2005. Rated Excellent by Trustpilot. Enrol Now and study with us with confidence!


Practical Animal Courses


under-warter-fishjpgMarine Course Practicals

The 2 Week Marine Course Practical Placements are available with our Marine ZoologyMarine BiologyMarine Conservation and our Zoology Diploma courses. Gain hands-on experience with a variety of marine animals and marine environments.

Are you studying primates and want to gain hands-on experience assisting with primate care, rehabilitation and release? 

shark-tank-baltimore-aquariumVolunteers with the GRI – Zambia Primate Project will have the opportunity to play an active role in contributing to the successful running of the rehabilitation and release aspects of the project. Please note that this is a working conservation project so you will need to come prepared to roll up your sleeves and get involved with whatever activities the project is tasked with at the time of your visit. ZPP offers volunteer opportunities at both their primate transit home (rehabilitation centre) and out of their release camp deep in the bush.

Practical-Animal-CoursesTo join the field team releasing and monitoring their rescued baboons and monkeys in Kafue National Park, or to assist with primate care and pre-release preparations at the primate transit home please contact ZPP’s Senior Technical Advisor Dr Cheryl Mvula on for further details and costs.

Animal Careers Direct accepts no liability or responsibility for practical placements advertised on our website. Placements are carried out entirely at the user’s own risk.

Practical Animal Courses

Looking for an Ofqual regulated course that complies with the Animal Activity Licensing (AAL)?

women with box

We offer a selection of accredited and employer recognised courses specifically designed for careers working with animals.

Animal Job Opportunities

If you have any questions about our courses, please contact us.

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We’ve assisted many people to achieve their goal to work with animals. Read more about our 5-star reviews and student success stories.

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Gain relevant training to achieve your goal to work with animals.

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